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Download Chapter Rosters

< 1 min read

Through the AVC roster tool, AVC presidents can export search results for their respective chapter. This could be particularly helpful if you’re working with a printer to mail an annual newsletter, filling AVC or mentor committee vacancies or performing advanced filter/sort functions. 

NOTE: To prevent misuse, AVC presidents are currently the only role-holder able to export their search results from the mySigEp directory.

To conduct a search and export your results, follow these steps:

1. Select your AVC from the group selector in the top right of mySigEp
2. Click “Roster” 
3. Select one of the several “views” to show a subset of your chapter members: all members from your chapter, living alumni, lost brothers, expelled/resigned members, deceased, and those that have opted out of communication. 
4. The AVC President will see an additional button to export these results to an Excel spreadsheet. The results will contain contact information, brother IDs, join and graduation dates, and communication preferences. 

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