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Adding Potential New Members to Your Recruitment Pipeline

1 min read

Your potential new member list is now built into mySigEp – meaning, no more spreadsheets or lost contacts! And we know recruitment is a chapter-wide activity, so anyone in the chapter can add a potential new member to the list! To add a new potential new member:

1. Find your chapter name next to your first and last name in the top right of the screen.
2. Select your chapter and several icons should appear. Click the “Recruitment” icon to be taken to the potential new member list.
3. Click “Add Potential New Members” in the top right to be taken to a spreadsheet view where you can add one or several PNMs at once.

NOTE: Required information to add a PNM includes first name and last name; optional fields include Snapchat or Instagram handles, notes and a lead owner. To report that PNM as a brother, you must also include his email and phone number. 

Once he’s been added to your potential new member list, you can move him through your pipeline by dragging and dropping his card into the correct category, or by clicking the settings button on the right side of his card and selecting the correct status. After he’s accepted his invitation to join your chapter, reporting him as a new member has never been easier – just click the purple “Report” button at the top of the Bid Extended category and he’ll be added to your chapter roster as a brother. The chapter will then be automatically invoiced for his $300 lifetime registration fee.

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