AVCs that excel at mentoring undergraduates have the following characteristics:
- Establish one-to-one volunteer pairing between AVC volunteers and undergraduate officers.
- Mentors and undergraduate officers attend AVC meetings together to report on progress.
- Mentors attend undergraduate chapter and executive board meetings on a rotating basis.
- Mentors attend the Carlson Leadership Academy, which is critical to the
development of undergraduate officers. - Hold quarterly conference calls or other meetings with the district governor.
- Mentors play a role in preparing for the officer election and transition process.
- Mentors meet at least once per semester with the university's Office of Greek Life or Student Life.
The following resources are intended to help volunteers recruit mentor committee members, ensure they are volunteering in a role that leverages their passions and then help them create successful mentor-mentee relationships.
The Chapter Assessment Tool was created for individual chapters, their AVCs and mentor committees. This resource is used to identify chapter's current operational level in the areas of recruitment, membership experience, chapter leadership, finances and risk management. Additionally, it creates an opportunity to set goals for each section to increase your operational efficiency, allowing both the undergraduate leaders and their mentors to work from the same "road map."
The Chapter Assessment Tool is intended to be used as a measure of a chapter's own performance, not a comparative measure between chapters.
The Mentor Roles Worksheet was created to begin a dialogue about each of the many roles that a mentor can play in a mentee/mentor relationship. The goal is to ensure that each mentee/mentor pair begins their relationship with a mutual understanding and agreement of the role of the mentor.
The Mentee/Mentor Agreement was created to ensure mentees and mentors develop a mutual understanding of communication and operational expectations from the beginning of their relationship. Additionally, it creates a "roadmap" to operate from.
The Volunteer Placement Tool was created to help your chapter build a strong AVC and maximize the time and talents of its members. This resource lists each role on the AVC, including all mentor committee positions, and provides a snapshot of that role.
The Mentee/Mentor Kick-Off should be held at the beginning of each semester or quarter. This event is a visual representation of the AVCs commitment to the undergraduate chapter's success.