Below is a letter that was sent to SigEp’s Grand President Phil Cox and CEO Brian Warren from a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE). The letter is in response to SigEp’s Indiana Epsilon Chapter’s open letter for the University of Evansville community and beyond.
Phil and Brian,
As a proud member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity, having been initiated more than 50 years ago at Indiana Epsilon, at then Evansville College, now the University of Evansville, I want to compliment your entire organization, especially your Chapter at the University of Evansville for expressing encouragement and support for the Evansville Chapter of SAE.
It was especially encouraging and meaningful yesterday when I read the enclosed Community Commentary that appeared in the Evansville Courier & Press that was submitted by The Men of Sigma Phi Epsilon, Indiana Epsilon Chapter, University of Evansville. They are definitely a Class Act.
Like fraternity members everywhere, I deplore what recently took place by a few “children” who have tarnished the image of fraternities through their childish and immature behavior, and I cringe whenever I see or hear negative comments about SAE in the media.
We learned as pledges the importance of overcoming adversity and living the tenets of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, including the True Gentleman, and I am optimistic that the fraternity system as we know it, will become more diverse and stronger than ever before.
As mentioned above, what the men of Indian Epsilon of Sigma Phi Epsilon did to support their “brothers and competitors” at Indiana Epsilon of Sigma Alpha Epsilon was a Class Act, and I wish them the very best.
By the way, the men of Indiana Epsilon of Sigma Alpha Epsilon at the University of Evansville are also a Class Act. It’s difficult to type the word after Sigma and before Epsilon without inserting Alpha. Hopefully I got the Alpha and the Phi in the right places.
With best regards,
Thomas A. Stein
Indiana Epsilon
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
CC: Bradley M. Cohen
Eminent Supreme Archon
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
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