In 2021, donors and volunteers came together for our most successful Founders Day of Giving ever. Here are some highlights. In honor of the 12 who started it all, we present a dozen Fraternity facts, stats and items of interest about Founders Day of Giving 2021.

$919,713: given to the Annual Fund on Founders Day of Giving 2021 in support of SigEp’s undergraduate programs — the highest giving day total among fraternities.

“ It’s a friendly competition between chapters, but we want to win! We want to have the most donors and raise the most money. It means a lot, but it means more that we’re coming together to meet our goals.” — Scott Carr, California-Santa Barbara ’86
273 donors from California Gamma and $103,679 from New York Alpha place SigEp chapters at California-Santa Barbara and Syracuse first on the Most Donors and Most Dollars Raised leaderboards.
2,770 brothers … and counting — Due to the generosity of our donors, the phenomenal success of Founders Day of Giving 2021 means SigEp leadership programs will impact even more brothers than in 2020-2021.
187 brothers and friends joined the Board of Governors on Founders Day 2021, becoming part of the Fraternity’s lead giving society.
883 brothers and friends made their very first gift to the SigEp Educational Foundation on Founders Day 2021.
2,841 brothers and friends gave on Founders Day, including: 336 undergraduates giving to their own experience and 484 friends of SigEp giving to support the Fraternity’s mission.
“As a freshman going to my first Carlson Leadership Academy, I had no idea what to expect. What I got was a fantastic leadership experience, shared by brothers across the country. I want that same experience for future generations of SigEps.” — Jake Chaplin, Northern Iowa ’22, who organized his fellow Iowa Theta undergraduate brothers to call alumni to solicit gifts. It was one of six chapter call centers across the country.

$263,052 raised in a friendly competition between the NUTS! McAuliffe Society, a donor group that funds scholarships for undergrads to attend Conclave ($142,969), and Freeark Society ($120,083) of past staff.
Since 2016, total giving on Founders Day has reflected a dramatically growing commitment to the SigEp undergraduate experience.
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