Over the weekend of May 18-20, 2018, more than 350 alumni, undergraduates and guests gathered in Corvallis to celebrate the centennial of SigEp’s Oregon State Chapter. A welcome barbecue Friday evening was followed the next morning by the centennial chapter meeting led by former National Chaplain Jim Nissen, ’74; past Chapter President Jay Conroy, ’74; and former OSU Student Body President John Gartland, ’74. That afternoon, at a luncheon held at the newly remodeled Valley Football Center, Mike Rich, ’81, introduced special guest Jonathan Smith, Oregon State’s new head football coach.
The highlight of the weekend was the Saturday evening banquet at the CH2M HILL Alumni Center — a building named for the late Jim Howland, ’38, and the company’s other founders. The program ran smoothly, thanks to skillful hosting by master of ceremonies Mark Pahl, ’91. Several alumni sponsored the attendance of more than 60 current undergraduates, making it possible for nine decades of Oregon Alpha SigEps to attend. Honored attendees included John Fox, ’49, and past Chapter President Don Cook, ’50.
National Director Billy Maddalon, North Carolina State ’90, and Past Grand President Steve Shanklin, Murray State ’70, congratulated Oregon Alpha, with Shanklin observing Oregon Alpha brothers are “intrusively caring.” Oregon Alpha’s Order of the Golden Heart recipients U.G. Dubach, 1918 (1961); H. Bob Robinson, 1920 (1963); Lloyd Gregg, 1920 (1979); and Ken Maddox, ’75 (2015), were also acknowledged.

Chapter President Michael Kiever, ’19, provided an update on the current state of Oregon Alpha, noting that the chapter has continued its long-standing tradition of excellence in academics, campus leadership, and individual and team athletics — all ideals of the balanced man.
John Stirek, ’82, chair of the chapter’s $2.5 million capital campaign, shared that more than $1.4 million has been pledged to date. These funds will be used to endow a leadership training program, increase academic funds to provide more than $50,000 per year in scholarships and endowments, and fund capital improvements to the chapter house and property.
As the banquet concluded, all in attendance recognized Dave Klick, ’62, for his superior work in making the weekend happen, as well as the support provided by his many classmates.
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