The following is a partial listing of deceased brothers, reported to SigEp Headquarters as of Oct. 31, 2021, and published in the spring 2022 issue of the Journal. Names are organized in alphabetical order by last name.
Brothers who served as national volunteers or who have received national recognition for their service, such as the Order of the Golden Heart, Citation, Exemplary Service Award, Volunteer of the Year, Distinguished Alumnus or Distinguished Volunteer, are indicated in the “SigEp Awards and Roles” column.
Email obituary notices to or send to: In Memoriam, Sigma Phi Epsilon, 310 S. Arthur Ashe Boulevard, Richmond, VA 23220.
Name | SigEp Awards & Roles |
Michael Abraham, Marshall ’77 | |
Kurtis Achenbach, Western Michigan ’69 | |
Bob Adams, Pennsylvania ’51 | |
Melvin Adams, Nebraska ’56 | |
Andre Aguilar, Fresno State ’21 | |
Jim Alderman, Florida ’58 | Citation |
Gary Alexander, Purdue ’69 | |
Jeremy All, Indiana State ’06 | |
Al Alsobrook, Florida ’60 | |
Paul Anderson, Oklahoma State ’85 | |
Christian Arrell, Davis & Elkins ’17 | |
Bob Arterburn, Northern Colorado ’58 | |
Rick Ashford, Oklahoma ’73 | Past staff |
Carl Asp, Tennessee Renaissance | |
Bob Auleb, San Francisco State ’85 | Distinguished Alumnus |
Alphee Babineau, Connecticut ’57 | |
Ronald Bacon, Nebraska-Omaha ’75 | |
Javid Bagheri, Georgia ’88 | |
Bruce Bailey, Vermont ’54 | |
Keith Banke, Cincinnati ’59 | |
Francisco Barba, Cal State-Chico ’69 | |
Dennis Barnes, Tennessee Tech ’70 | |
Billy Bell, Alabama ’57 | |
Calvin Bentley, Lawrence Tech ’81 | |
Wayne Bettendorf, Bowling Green State ’65 | |
David Beumel, Vincennes ’77 | |
Richard Bigler, Ohio Wesleyan ’53 | |
Arthur Bishop, Barton ’58 | |
Bruce Blackburn, Cincinnati ’61 | Citation |
Gary Blain, Iowa Wesleyan ’60 | |
Stephen Blood, Richmond ’64 | |
Ralph “Rob” Boehnke Jr., Baldwin Wallace ’65 | |
John Bogucki, Ball State ’68 | |
Blair Bolton, Virginia ’80 | |
James Bond, Texas-Austin ’73 | |
Lex Bonner, Memphis Renaissance | |
Jimmy Booker, Lamar ’60 | |
Robert Bordeaux, Central Michigan ’64 | |
Michael Born, Washburn ’89 | |
Alex Bowlin, Washington State ’18 | |
Bruce Brawdy, Monmouth ’57 | |
David Brewer, Indiana ’59 | |
Jeffrey Brittain, San Diego State ’94 | |
John Brockwell, North Carolina State ’57 | |
Shawn Broderick, Georgia ’86 | |
Robert Brown, Ohio Wesleyan ’68 | |
Bob Brum, Nebraska ’56 | |
Alan Bryant, Central Michigan ’60 | |
Lesley Buck, Emporia State ’58 | |
Clifford Bunks, Wisconsin ’50 | |
Edward Burke, Iowa ’56 | |
Christopher Burkholder, Auburn ’91 | |
Chuck Campbell, Montana ’91 | |
Lewis Campbell, New Mexico ’51 | |
Walker Campbell, Richmond ’59 | |
Frank Campisi, Houston ’59 | |
Steven Caputo, Richmond ’89 | |
John Carlisle, Georgia Southern ’69 | |
Bradley Carlson, Kansas ’88 | |
Robert Carlton, Memphis-Lambuth Renaissance | |
Bob Carpenter, Southern California ’51 | |
Jim Carr, Culver-Stockton ’67 | |
Ivan Carson, Utah State ’64 | |
Roger Carsteensen, Georgia ’72 | |
Robert Carubia, Kentucky Wesleyan ’68 | |
Peter Cascio, Middlebury ’53 | |
Maurice Casey, Belmont Abbey ’75 | |
Benjamin Caskey, Baldwin Wallace ’21 | |
Dave Catherall, Northwest Missouri ’97 | |
Mike Cheatham, Virginia Tech ’74 | |
John Clark, Colorado State ’65 | |
Robert Clark, Kansas State ’52 | |
Aryl Clason, Emporia State ’61 | |
Richard Clifton, Georgia State ’57 | |
Garry Cole, Iowa State ’60 | |
Jim Collier, Wichita State ’62 | |
Alexander Collins, South Carolina ’65 | |
Bob Colwell, Washington State ’61 | |
Ross Compton, North Texas ’56 | |
Gerald Conley, Drake Renaissance | |
David Cook, Indiana ’75 | |
Ken Cooper, Ferris State ’77 | |
Thomas Cooper, Mississippi State ’63 | |
Mac Corley, Colorado State ’57 | |
Walter Cottrell, North Carolina ’61 | |
Robert Covington, Barton ’70 | |
David Cowgill, Memphis Renaissance | |
Pete Crandall, California-Davis ’79 | Distinguished Alumnus, Past staff |
Tyson Craven, Auburn ’65 | |
Thomas Creasy, Auburn ’81 | |
James Criss, Connecticut ’69 | |
Fred Cross, Western Kentucky ’76 | |
Ian Crystal, Maryland-College Park ’97 | |
Duane Dafler, Ohio Northern ’54 | |
Doug Dancer, Randolph-Macon ’76 | |
Stan Davies, Denver ’51 | |
Jamie Davis, Virginia ’72 | |
William Davis, Missouri State ’73 | |
James Dehart, Kent State ’61 | |
Rob Delaby, Indiana State ’94 | |
Roy Dennis, Florida State ’62 | |
Anthony Diamond, Delaware ’63 | |
Paul Dickard, Texas-Austin ’54 | |
George Dietz, Florida ’88 | |
Mark DiFranco, Baldwin Wallace ’83 | Distinguished Alumnus |
Hearley Dockham, Wyoming ’63 | |
James Dodd, Cornell ’59 | |
Joe Dominik, Syracuse ’54 | |
Shaun Donovan, Connecticut ’70 | |
Wallace Doud, Wisconsin ’48 | Grand President, Grand Treasurer, Educational Foundation Life Trustee |
Peter Dougherty, Davis & Elkins ’75 | |
Lawrence Doughty, Alabama ’56 | |
Donald Drake, Indiana Tech ’70 | |
Jack Dreibelbis, Pennsylvania State ’51 | |
John Eason, Florida ’53 | |
Joseph Egan, Pennsylvania State ’49 | |
David Ela, MIT ’58 | |
John Emmerling, Villanova ’84 | |
Morris Estes, Tennessee ’54 | |
Dick Eyler, Nebraska ’58 | |
Glenn Ezell, North Texas ’87 | District governor, Distinguished Alumnus |
Alfred Falcone, Colorado School of Mines ’49 | |
Dick Falcone, Connecticut ’62 | |
Ronald Farlick, Bradley ’90 | |
Mark Field, Georgia Tech ’69 | |
Kevin Fisher, Texas-Austin ’19 | |
Larry Fletcher, Missouri State ’65 | |
Peter Foward, Syracuse ’55 | |
Ned France, Maryland-College Park ’53 | |
Thomas Frank, Texas-Arlington Renaissance | |
Don Freely, Kansas ’52 | |
Brian Freeman, Bowling Green State ’18 | |
Dwight Freeman, Kentucky ’62 | |
Jerry Frick, Nebraska ’69 | |
Charles Fritz, Oregon State ’58 | |
Felix Garcia, Connecticut ’86 | |
Brian Garrigus, Indiana State ’04 | |
Michael Gatewood, Coastal Carolina ’85 | |
Walt Geggis, Cornell ’63 | |
James Geiman, Richmond ’60 | |
Carle Germelman, Richmond ’58 | |
James Gibson, Marshall ’62 | |
Robert Gilardi, Miami Dade Community ’81 | |
Charlie Gillespie, Washington-St. Louis ’57 | |
Thomas Givens, Tennessee ’61 | |
Ralph Glover, West Virginia ’62 | |
August Goldsmith, Bucknell ’59 | |
Charles Goodwin, Maine ’87 | |
Bill Gordon, Utah ’67 | |
Dean Gorsuch, Ball State ’59 | |
Vern Gosney, Florida State ’60 | |
Michael Gravitt, Valdosta State ’70 | |
Coye Gray, Wichita State ’73 | |
Alfred Gregory, Arkansas State ’58 | |
Lloyd Grotheer, California-Berkeley ’49 | |
Stanley Grubbs, Texas-Austin ’76 | |
Alexander Gullixson, Murray State ’17 | |
John Guttry, North Texas ’53 | |
Donald Haas, Baldwin Wallace ’56 | |
Darrell Haass, Illinois ’47 | |
George Haborak, Charleston (South Carolina) Renaissance | District governor, Distinguished Alumnus |
Edward Haggett, Maine ’61 | |
Matthew Hahn, Dayton ’95 | |
Doug Halvorsen, Oregon ’64 | |
Van Hammack, West Virginia ’78 | |
Aaron Haug, Wisconsin ’96 | |
Gale Haught, Georgia ’66 | |
Ronald Hays, Indiana State ’59 | |
Jim Hermann, Toledo ’71 | |
Leo Herrick, West Virginia ’51 | |
Alan Hice, Tennessee ’99 | |
Hal Higgs, Drake ’49 | |
Gary Hill, Southeast Missouri State ’64 | |
Tripp Hogg, East Carolina ’91 | |
Clay Holyfield, Western Carolina ’88 | |
H. Dennis Hopkins, Texas Wesleyan ’76 | |
Thomas Hough, Purdue ’73 | |
Billy Hudson, North Carolina-Greensboro ’00 | |
Donald Hughes, Kentucky Wesleyan ’60 | |
Jay Hurst, Georgia ’87 | |
Charles Isley, Western Carolina ’92 | |
Tom Jackson, Tennessee ’61 | |
Jerry Jameson, Ball State ’62 | |
Harold Jeffrey, California-Berkeley ’54 | |
Brian Jenkins, Drake ’80 | |
Roy Johnsen, Oklahoma State ’63 | |
David Johnson, Georgia State ’60 | |
George Johnson, SUNY-Buffalo ’57 | |
Charles Juhasz, Ohio State ’61 | |
Wesley Kain, Seton Hall ’78 | |
Ed Kaplan, Connecticut ’88 | Distinguished Alumnus, Volunteer of the Year |
Bill Karppi, James Madison ’83 | |
Randy Kaufman, Washburn ’76 | |
Paul Keefe, Oregon ’55 | |
Dan Keeley, Arkansas State ’70 | |
Richard Kelly, Duke ’51 | |
Donald Kelsey, Morningside ’66 | |
Donald Kennedy, Missouri S&T ’57 | |
Jeffrey Kerbs, Kansas State ’92 | |
Gregory Kiel, Pittsburg State ’95 | |
Don Kindle, Cincinnati ’55 | Order of the Golden Heart, District governor, Past staff |
Don King, Memphis-Lambuth ’83 | |
H.T. Kinney, Colorado State ’58 | |
Hoot Kinsey, Arkansas ’49 | |
James Kohoutek, Iowa State ’52 | |
Robert Kother, Davis & Elkins ’51 | |
Jerry Lambo, Oregon State ’57 | |
Hank Land, Florida ’65 | |
James Lane, Washington State ’65 | |
Gene Lang, Missouri S&T ’53 | |
Jim Larkin, Texas-Austin ’57 | |
Robert Laseter, Georgia ’67 | |
Robert Layer, Ohio Wesleyan ’43 | |
Alvin Leinart, Tennessee ’50 | |
Harry Lewis, Virginia ’49 | |
Mark Lieberman, Pennsylvania ’69 | |
Don Lieder, Cincinnati ’53 | |
Richard Light, Colorado ’64 | |
James Link, Idaho State ’61 | |
James “Jim” Lisher, Indiana ’69 | |
Larry Litton, West Virginia Tech ’75 | |
Charles Long, Nebraska ’37 | |
Collin Long, Loras ’17 | |
Jim Loury, Southern California ’52 | |
Bobby Love, East Tennessee State ’70 | |
Eric Lucht, Indiana ’12 | |
Will Luckey, Georgia ’89 | |
Ted Lundy, Tennessee ’54 | |
Robert Lutton, Oregon State ’50 | |
Malcolm Magaw, Duke ’50 | |
Karl Maierhofer, Bradley ’62 | |
Richard Maley, Washburn Renaissance | |
BIll Maloney, Delaware ’68 | |
Bob Maple, Rutgers ’49 | |
Pat Marinucci, Rensselaer Renaissance | |
Steve Martin, Wisconsin-Oshkosh ’70 | |
Keith Marty, Bowling Green State ’78 | |
Christoph Massei, Richmond ’62 | |
Joseph Mastro, Westminster ’47 | |
Nick Mastrogianakis, Florida ’52 | |
Richard Matta, Miami (Florida) ’59 | |
Richard Mayberry, East Carolina ’79 | |
Jerry McAnulty, North Texas ’62 | |
Don McClaran, Middle Tennessee State ’81 | |
Mike McClure, Texas Christian ’71 | |
Harry McClurg, Tennessee Wesleyan ’60 | |
Thomas McGaha, Mississippi State ’49 | |
Cliff McLain, MIT ’53 | |
Walter McRae, Dartmouth ’62 | |
Jerry McSwiggan, Florida ’68 | |
Sanjay Mehta, Michigan State ’06 | |
Michael Mendros, Maine ’86 | |
Robert Messerly, Cincinnati ’63 | |
Bob Miller, Illinois ’57 | |
David Miller, North Carolina State ’55 | |
Gary Miller, Ball State ’59 | |
Greg Miller, Colorado School of Mines ’21 | |
Mark Millis, Tennessee ’63 | |
Michael Molvar, Dartmouth ’64 | |
Jeff Morelock, Georgia ’69 | |
Keith Morkel, Purdue ’72 | |
Richard Morris, Rensselaer ’53 | |
Michael Moseley, Virginia Tech ’81 | |
Alexander Mouravieff, Connecticut Renaissance | |
Emory Mullins, East Tennessee State ’58 | |
Gerald Murphy, Washington-St. Louis ’50 | |
Leonard Myers, Missouri ’56 | |
Stan Nash, Ball State ’54 | |
Harold Neptune, Old Dominion ’91 | |
Norman Newhall, Rensselaer ’64 | |
Andrew Niebergall, Oregon State ’54 | |
Steve Nienaber, Purdue ’64 | |
Michael Oatis, Purdue ’81 | |
George Owens, Ball State ’85 | |
James Pack, Coastal Carolina ’83 | |
Scott Pannell, North Carolina State ’92 | |
William Parish, North Carolina State ’65 | |
Reno Parker, Montana ’59 | |
Gary Patch, Kansas ’68 | |
Rich Patterson, Thiel ’69 | |
Myron Peck, Tennessee ’57 | |
Victor Pecore, Rensselaer ’59 | |
Steven Pell, West Virginia ’82 | |
Louis Perrier, Kansas State ’61 | |
Mike Pettit, Wisconsin-Platteville ’09 | |
Dennis Phelan, Bucknell ’75 | |
Scott Phillips, Kansas ’52 | |
Thomas Pierick, Drake ’60 | |
Charlie Pinkerton, Drake ’59 | |
Kirk Pinkerton, Indiana ’72 | |
Victor Pirnie, Kansas ’51 | |
William Pollok, William & Mary ’67 | |
William Poole, Wake Forest ’55 | |
Kent Popken, Nebraska ’65 | |
James Porter, Florida ’37 | |
Will Proctor, Florida State ’20 | |
David Prosser, Youngstown State ’60 | |
Richard Pulley, Richmond ’60 | |
R.L. Qualls, Mississippi State ’54 | Citation |
Daniel Ralston, Kansas State ’88 | |
Ed Ramcharron, Florida International ’05 | |
William Ramsey, Emporia State ’67 | |
Don Ransom, Southeast Missouri State ’68 | |
Charles Raridon, Iowa State ’55 | |
Gary Rascoe, Sam Houston State ’85 | |
James Raue, Lawrence ’60 | |
Philip Rector, Georgia Tech ’55 | |
Michael Reed, Bowling Green State ’63 | |
Charles Reinhart, Western Michigan ’67 | |
Walter Reinthaler, California-Berkeley ’47 | |
Maurie Richards, Idaho State ’52 | |
Albert Riedner, Texas A&M ’92 | |
Steve Risner, San Francisco State ’91 | |
Jerry Riter, Bowling Green State ’63 | |
Donald Robbins, San Diego State ’49 | |
Gary Robertson, East Tennessee State ’69 | |
Harold Robinson, Auburn ’61 | |
Dick Rodgers, Illinois ’52 | Order of the Golden Heart, Distinguished Alumnus |
Donald Rogers, Iowa State ’58 | |
Joe Rolston, Oklahoma State ’55 | |
James Ronni, Bowling Green State ’55 | |
Durland Ryckman, Miami (Florida) ’71 | |
George Salt, Miami (Florida) ’50 | Past staff |
Doug Sampson, Florida International ’98 | |
Jason Sanden, North Dakota ’95 | |
Alex Sands, Mississippi ’15 | |
Dolph Santello, Connecticut ’60 | |
Walter Saunders, Texas-Austin ’58 | |
Robert Scarazzo, Westminster ’68 | |
Richard Schaeffer, Ohio Wesleyan ’51 | |
Thomas Schaffer, Pennsylvania ’74 | |
Robin Schmidt, Ohio State ’56 | |
Wayne Schroeder, Sam Houston State ’65 | |
Michael Schulze, Sam Houston State ’86 | |
Adam Schwartz, Alaska-Fairbanks ’01 | |
Frank Scribano, Michigan ’46 | |
John Seele, Defiance ’73 | |
Orlie Segneri, Drake ’61 | |
David Shaffer, UNC-Wilmington ’93 | |
Robert Shearer, Houston ’56 | |
Terry Sherman, Missouri ’70 | |
Jeffery Shipp, Georgia ’83 | |
Richard Shore, North Carolina State ’75 | |
Frank Siano, SIU-Edwardsville ’81 | |
Samuel Sillaman, Pennsylvania State ’51 | |
Ash Silverburg, Ball State ’55 | |
Robert Simmons, Maine ’58 | |
Bob Sims, Lenoir Rhyne ’58 | |
Neil Sinnott, San Jose State ’70 | |
Alfred Skyberg, Bucknell ’56 | |
Gregg Smith, Ball State ’98 | |
John Smith, Colorado School of Mines ’59 | |
Mike Smith, Missouri S&T ’65 | |
Stanley Smith, Emporia State ’70 | |
Craig Snyder, West Virginia ’93 | |
J.B. Sovern, Wright State ’02 | |
Arthur Spellmeyer, Missouri ’73 | |
Doug Spivey, Barton ’62 | |
Roger Splean, Southeast Missouri State ’56 | |
Richard Spurlin, Oklahoma State ’52 | |
Gary Stansbury, Ohio Wesleyan ’62 | |
John Stautzenbach, West Virginia ’90 | |
Dick Steele, Massachusetts ’57 | |
Fred Steil, Missouri S&T ’61 | |
Gary Stevenson, Montana ’68 | |
Rod Stevenson, Texas-Austin ’62 | |
Daniel Steward, Connecticut ’72 | |
Bob Storts, Ohio Northern ’60 | |
Jack Strathmeyer, Florida Southern ’61 | |
Denis Stroup, Bowling Green State ’70 | |
Stephen Sturdevant, Baldwin Wallace ’68 | |
Terry Sullivan, Oregon ’57 | |
Glenn Summerlin, Georgia State ’56 | |
Paul Svendsen, Drake ’70 | |
Adam Tassin, Louisiana State ’67 | |
James Taylor, Tennessee ’71 | |
Pete Test, Bucknell ’57 | |
Dale Thoma, William & Mary ’63 | |
Gene Thomas, Emporia State ’53 | |
Terry Thomas, Washburn ’64 | |
Keith Thompson, North Carolina State ’91 | |
William Thompson, Florida ’82 | |
Jack Thurber, Oregon State ’57 | |
James Ticer, Oklahoma State ’54 | |
Marty Tiezzi, Connecticut ’86 | |
Dave Tilley, Louisiana State ’64 | |
Daniel Tompkins, Cornell ’51 | |
Donald Tosi, Ohio State ’63 | |
Stephen Traugott, Johns Hopkins ’49 | |
Robert Tucker, Massachusetts ’13 | |
Ralph Turlington, Florida ’42 | Citation |
Matt VanMoorleahem, Texas Christian ’00 | |
Steve Vassil, Kansas State ’93 | |
Virgil Vaughn, Ball State ’68 | |
Charles Vehlow, Culver-Stockton ’62 | |
Bill Via, Virginia Commonwealth ’74 | Distinguished Alumnus |
Chandler Vreeland, Georgia ’80 | |
Patrick Walker, Christopher Newport Renaissance | |
Willard Walker, Colorado State ’49 | |
William Wall, Clemson ’71 | |
Bob Walls, Texas-Austin ’53 | |
James Walter, Detroit ’68 | |
Bob Ward, Auburn ’50 | |
James Ward, Southern California ’52 | |
Larkin Warner, Ohio Wesleyan ’56 | |
David Welch, Fort Hays State ’62 | |
Mark Wetuski, Houston ’05 | |
Larry Wheless, High Point ’61 | |
Brian White, Valparaiso ’61 | |
R. White, Delaware ’55 | |
Norman Whitehouse, Pennsylvania State ’56 | |
Donald Whitney, Colorado ’55 | |
Bill Wieland, Nebraska ’60 | |
Jim Wigginton, East Tennessee State ’73 | |
Steve Wilkerson, Sam Houston State ’75 | |
Craig Wilkinson, North Carolina State ’92 | |
Kermit Williamson, North Carolina ’75 | |
Paul Williamson, California-Santa Barbara ’53 | |
Alden Wilson, Texas-Austin ’58 | |
Lee Wilson, Kentucky Wesleyan ’66 | |
Robby Wilson, Central Arkansas ’07 | |
Charles Wingard, Oregon ’57 | |
Louis Wirth, Baldwin Wallace ’57 | |
Jim Wittenauer, Indiana State ’59 | |
Donald Woods, Bowling Green State ’68 | |
John Wrench, Texas Christian ’60 | |
Richard Wright, WPI ’57 | |
Gary Wuslich, Youngstown State ’67 | |
Joseph Yurko, Thiel ’93 | |
Arnold Zimmer, Rensselaer ’48 | |
Paul Zimmerman, Kentucky ’60 |
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