SigEp chapters are representative of their campus demographic, offering undergraduate members diverse and inclusive experiences that prepare them for the real world.
- SigEp tracks and reports demographic, programming, and other relevant DEI information at all levels of the organization
- All chapter members and executive officers improve DEI competencies through communication, local and national programming.
- All SigEp headquarters staff members improve DEI competencies through onboarding and regular staff development.
- Staff, boards, program facilitators, and volunteer corporations represent the increasingly diverse communities in which we live and work.
Results to Date:
Track and report demographic, program engagement, chapter culture, and other data necessary for understanding how to strengthen belonging and achieve true brotherly love.
Infuse SigEp leadership programs at the national and local levels with opportunities for DEI competency development.
Recruit staff, board members, program facilitators, and volunteers who represent the increasingly diverse communities in which we live and work.
Update SigEp’s staffing and governance models to ensure SigEp remains an advocate capable of advancing DEI objectives.