Chapters and individual brothers face many risks. SigEp offers resources to educate chapter members about some of the most common issues that they will face, and strategies for preventing these issues from negatively impacting the fraternity experience we offer to our brothers. Read more about some of the issues listed below, which lead to the highest number of insurance claims each year.
Alcohol and Drugs
Fraternities have a reputation for fostering the culture of drinking on campus. In order to prevent high-risk drinking within our organization, it requires specialized prevention efforts. This is why Sigma Phi Epsilon has adopted strict policies regarding alcohol and drug use. Alcohol is involved in almost 90 percent of all fraternity claims. Alcohol and drug abuse are harmful to our organization and its members.
SigEp does not condone any form of physical assault or fighting. We expect our brothers to conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful to themselves and others. In fact, by engaging in fighting you are jeopardizing your liability insurance coverage as well as breaking the commitment all brothers make to treat every person with respect and dignity. SigEp’s policy does not cover any brother who inflicts assault and battery upon another person. | More
Sexual Harassment and Assault
SigEp men are gentlemen and are expected to live the values of the Fraternity and show respect, care, and concern for others. Your Fraternity does not tolerate or condone any form of sexually abusive behavior collectively or by an individual, be it physical, mental, or emotional in nature. This includes any actions that are demeaning to women or men, ranging from verbal harassment to sexual assault. SigEp chapters and brothers should never encourage, support, or participate in any activity that in any manner demeans, belittles, or damages another person.
Hazing has no place in Sigma Phi Epsilon but yet it continues to be a real problem within our organization and so many others. Too many members are losing out on the opportunity to have a valuable SigEp experience because of hazing and the desire to hold onto traditions. There are too many reports in the media about fraternities hazing their members. Hazing is both illegal and immoral. Forty-four states currently have laws that criminalize hazing activities. Individuals who engage in hazing subject themselves to both criminal and civil liability. | More
Bystander Behavior
Bystander Behavior is extremely important to understand in the fraternity world. It happens when a person hears or sees a problematic situation yet he DOES NOT take the necessary action to intervene. The bystander effect is a social psychological phenomenon that refers to cases where individuals do not offer any means of help in an emergency situation to the victim when other people are present. If you observe someone who needs help, take all reasonable steps to obtain assistance. | More